The February 2019 meeting was attended by a record 105 members! Attendance was excellent right throughout the year, ranging from 82 to 105 members at each meeting. The Club has to be doing something right! We started the year with a healthy Bank balance of $2,773.31 and, with incoming monies from memberships, auction table and produce stall, the Club was able to subsidize the bus trip to Mt Tambourine and also the Christmas lunch.
Losses: 2019 saw the passing of long-standing member Dot Gill and Di Harden’s mother (Patty Todhunter) who was a regular at meetings and garden visits. They are sadly missed.
2019 was a particularly dry year producing drought conditions and devastating fires which continued into 2020. Water restrictions were introduced towards the end of 2019; needless to say, gardening was a challenge. Member Di Harden mentioned a few websites containing information on drought-proofing gardens. Adelina Linardon set up a Facebook page for the Club, while the website continued to be maintained by Fay Webb. “Christmas in July” was celebrated with a very Christmassy afternoon tea and where members were encouraged to dress in green and red.
Guest Speakers: These included Jo Green from the Byron Shire Council, Broni Carthew (horticulturist and landscaper), Rebecca Barnes (Playing With Fire), Lyn Thomson (Native Bee Assocn.) and Mark Dunphy (Firewheel Rainforest Nursery). Club members who kindly passed their knowledge on to us were Di Harden (horticulturist and landscape designer), Shirley Boyle (on Bangalow Today), Lisa Russell (on bonsai), Steven Wedd (on Anthuriums), while Jan Lea and Diana Sharp demonstrated their great skills with flower arranging.
Open Gardens: June Hosie at Eureka, Lyn Plummer in Newrybar, Ian and Elspeth Lacey at Cumbalum, Marie Ashton at Mullumbimby, Charmaine at Tregeagle and Carole Gamble also at Mullumbimby. Lots of different and delightful gardens!
AGM Results and New Committee:
Co-Presidents: Mary Lou Fraser and Adelina Linardon
Vice President (Membership): Sandra Mankowsky
Vice President: Eileen de Krantzow
Secretary Denise Willis
Treasurer: Liz Hind
Asst. Treasurer: Sue Brennan
Flora of the Month: Denise Stobart
Garden Visits/Social Secretaries: Patricia de Tullio and Suzy Johnson
Guest Speaker Co-ordinators:: Margaret Bruce and Richard Rowland
Website: Fay Bogg
Facebook: Adelina Linardon
Catering Convenor: Diana Harden
Catering Assistants: Helen Barlow and Lorraine Fitzgerald
Publicity Officer: Anne Abbink
Public Officer: Steven Wedd
Auctioneers: Steven Wedd and Hazel Sowerby
Produce Table Managers: Jocelyn Day and Maree Psisterer
The year came to a very happy end with lunch at “Che Bon” in Ballina and this was greatly enjoyed by 70 Club members.