Robyn Armstrong co-president opened the meeting (92 members attending) and welcomed everyone to this very special meeting – our Ruby Celebration. She thanked the Ruby Committee for the catering and decoration for the day’s celebration – Annie, Bernie, Pam and Debbie – and thanked Christine De Water for her wonderful flower photo display.. Robyn spelt out the arrangements for the afternoon – short formal meeting, flower of the month, member’s stories, then to verandah for a glass of champagne, down to tree for a group photo, then afternoon tea.
Margaret Bruce, co-president, asked that members describe the red flowers they brought in :
Jane Lee – garden posy, including Larkspur, Glenda Schofield – Hippeastrum, Diana Hughes – Epidendrum cvs (nickmaned Ruby Epi), John Astill – Lipstick Plant, Beth Noble – Rose, Denise Stobart – posy including Bougainvillea, Iresine, Coleus, Gerbera and Anthurium, Shirley Boyle – Big Red Geranium, Fay Dwyer – Waratah, Daisy Dare – Orchid.
Long Time members (“Ruby Treasures”) reminisced about the founding and early days of the club.
Jan Hulbert told the meeting that were 11 members at the first meeting on 4 November 1977 in the RSL hall. Currently there are over 190 registered members. Margaret Bruce presented the “Ruby Treasures” with tea towels printed with Grow your Food, Eat your food, Love your food, and cards with Stephen Wedd’s Ruby dahlia.
Members then collected a glass of champagne, gathered under the trees for photos and enjoyed comraderey and afternoon tea, with ruby themed floral decorations on the table and ruby icing on the cup cakes. “A number of lucky door prizes were drawn from the flowers on sticks in the tub garden.
What a fabulous 40th !