The Club’s first meeting on 1st February was attended by 63 happy members. The new committee members were introduced to those present. New badges had been prepared indicating those who are life members, committee members or new members. Member Margaret Bruce was given Life Membership in recognition of her years of service in various Club positions, including that of Co-President. The Club started the year off on a good financial footing. We have an excellent committee with all members being eager to fulfil their jobs.
Guest speakers included: Noelene Plummer from Bangalow Land and Creek Care, Linda Sparrow from Bangalow Koalas, Paul Martens from Hanging Rock Flowers in Lismore, Stephen Axford (time lapse photographer of fungi) and Catherine Marciniak (documentary maker), Bruce Tom, Hazel Sowerby and Carole Gamble who shared their initial gardening experiences with Club members, Steven Wedd spoke on bromeliads, Judy and Bob Ellison spoke on growing bonsai while Mark Pampling (an international floral designer and teacher) gave a presentation showing how to use beautiful florals in new and creative ways. Quite a line-up of knowledgable people!
A busload of very happy gardeners took off to Tenterfield in May to visit Glen Rock Gardens and Ivy Leaf Chapel. It was a very successful day.
The following people kindly opened their beautiful gardens to the Club: Lesley Player at Tintenbar, Jennifer & John Regan at Possum Creek, Lynn and Greg Plummer at Tuckombil, Louise Fullerton at Alstonville, Crawford House Museum at Alstonville and Susie Dempster & David Williamson at Ewingsdale. All gardens were thoroughly admired and enjoyed by all Club members.
Flora of the month always sees a line of members eager to show off splendid exhibits from their garden, and to speak knowledgeably about them. The auction table continues to be a big draw card for all attendees and the produce table is keenly investigated to check out the home-grown produce or cuttings. The monthly newsletter is always good reading with lots of gardening info and handy tips.
A members’ survey was conducted this year to get an indication of members likes, dislikes, preferences for the way our meetings are run. The voting results showed a decided preference for the open gardens visits. Recommendations were made for topics for future speakers, workshops, week-end trip away, as well as suggestions for Christmas lunch venues.
A special general meeting was held on 4th October to discuss proposed changes to the Club’s constitution. These changes were minor and duly passed by members. The Christmas luncheon was held at Summerland Farm at Alstonville.
The AGM was held on 1st November.
The following people make up the 2024 committee:
Co-Presidents – Rosemary Edwards and Diana Sharpe
Vice President – Karen Bono
Honorary Secretary – Diana Harden
Honorary Treasurer – Liz Hinds
Assistant Treasurer – Sue Brennan
Membership Officer – Sue Brennan
Communications Co-ordinator – Adelina Linardon
Guest Speaker Co-ordinator – Karen Bono
Welcome Officers – Helen Barlow and Liz Tom
Saturday Garden Visits Officers – Suzie Johnson and Lauren Julian
Flora of the Month Officer – Maree Pfisterer
Public Officer – Steven Wedd
Auctioneer/ – Steven Wedd
Assistant Auctioneer – Adelina Linardon
Bus Trip Organiser – Stephen Stocker
Catering Officers – Carol Lea, Joelle Baker and Wayne Fernance
Photographer – Margaret Bruce