A very pleasant afternoon was had at John Astil’s lovely garden, early in March, sitting under a very nice covered pergola and verandah absolutely smothered with multiple hanging baskets of rhipsalis, begonia, ferns of various types, and pots of Calocasia, Zamioculcas sp (Zanzibar Gem), Zygocactus and various other beautifully grown plants. The garden itself had so many interesting plants such as Clerodendrum sp. (climber), Angle Wing Begonias (Begonia sp), Philodendron sp, various Bromeliads, Hoyas sp, a spectacular Elkhorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum), Pavonia, Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) and so much more.
Another of John’s amazing talents is his carpentry skills. Note the tree house he built and the fantastic timber arches inside that he fashioned himself