On Saturday August 6 we gathered in front of the Anglican Church Bangalow in anticipation of yet another fun outing. The bus trip co-ordinators, Suzie and Lesley, were the first to arrive armed with folding chairs, picnic blankets, and boxes in which to house our precious purchases. They even thought to bring headache tablets!
Amid amicable chatter and laughter we climbed into the bus and we were off. Time flies when one is in the company of likeminded friends and within no time, it seemed, we arrived at the Country Paradise Parklands Nerang.
The event showcased the works from many local artists, specialist nursery plants exhibitors, botanical art, herbalists, speakers and community groups. Of course we did not go hungry with a number of food stalls from which to choose.

Each member chose which educational talk they were interested in attending. There was quite a few from which to choose. We were excited to listen to Phil Dudman, Sophie Thomson and Jerry Coleby Williams from Gardening Australia. The speakers were very informative. Some members just preferred to roam amongst the arts and craft stalls, or plant stalls.
Just having figured out how not to kill my indoor plants, I was most taken by the selection of beautiful indoor plants from various growers. There was even a $2000 Philodendron. Needless to say I admired it from afar. The selection of Vireya Rhododendrons was also of interest offering many beautiful varieties. One of the plant stalls offered native plants which attract butterflies into the garden. The grower was very interesting and gave lots of good advice. I had not realised that almost each specific butterfly has a specific plant onto which it will lay its eggs. So if you don’t want caterpillars destroying a precious plant, grow plants to attract the butterflies to another part of the garden.
The day seemed to fly and we all piled into the bus and headed home with our many carefully packed purchases.
Thank you to Lesley and Suzie who made the bus trip such a well organised and fun outing.