Co-President Rosemary Edwards welcomed all members, life members and new members, and Adelina’s granddaughter Mikayla. Our overseas travellers, Stephen Stocker and Liz Hind were welcomed back after several month’s absence.
Vice President Diana Sharpe told the meeting that at the August meeting instead of a guest speaker there will be a panel of members who are horticulturist who will be doing a Q & A. So she asked members to prepare any questions that they may have.
Flora of the Month was introduced by Maree Pfisterer.
- Julia Bambery – Camellia japonica ‘Brushfield’s Yellow’. Robyn Driscoll’s flower. Robyn has tried to grow this shrub for 30 years, buying a new shrub 4 times. After purchasing a new shrub at Mt Tamborine has finally go the shrub to flower.
- Lesley Player – a curly leafed red Poinsettia which she grew from a cutting from the Lacey’s.
- Diana Sharpe – Azalea ‘White Bouquet’ Constantly flowering shrub to 1m x 1m. Semi double flower. Seems to be pest and disease resistant. Dombeya wallichii., Tropical Hydrangea, which she calls Cup cake plant as the flowers smell of cup cakes. Large sub-tropical shrub from India, Africa and Madagascar. Takes a hard prune (Chelsea chop). Shrubs holds dead flowers, which can be dead headed.
- Carol Lea – White Dombeya. Camellias – C. ikurigenjini, Bob Hope, Magnoliaeflora, Betty Ridley, Buttons & Bows, Valentines Day, Extravaganza, Black Tie
- Judy Baker – Camellia sinsensis, Tea Bush
- Steven Wedd – A Hippeastrum with narrow petals. A bromeliad, Guzmania insignus.
This month’s guest speaker was our very talented and knowledgeable Steven Wedd. Steven gave the meeting an illustrated talk on Bromeliads. Bromeliads hail from the Americas and have been collected since the late 1800’s. There are 2,500 species and many more cultivars. They can be found on rocks, forest floor and branches of trees. Steven advised that for successful growth it is best to replicate their natural habitat. Guzmania – epiphytic and like shade and humid forests. Tillandsia are air plants. They gain no nutrients from their roots, which are anchors and can be bought growing on wood, cork or crystals. Vriesea – epiphytic plants with smooth leaves. Sword like inflorescence, attractive foliage. Aechmea – Full sun or shade. Grow on ground or in trees Ananas – e.g., pineapple and have spiny margins. Billbergia – weeping habit both leaves and tubular flowers. Short flowering time. Cryptanthus – Earth Stars – flattish form Neoregelia – forest dwellers. Striking foliage with tiny flowers in cups. Spiky leaves Alcanterea – large to 1.5m diameter, 3m tall flower spike. Steven then showed us images his garden under his huge Camphor Laurel, which is planted with many different Bromeliads and other shade loving plants e.g., Clivea, Cordylines, Dieffenbachia, Anthurium etc. Propagation – remove pups when 1/3rd size of parent plant. Pot up into orchid mix or grow in ground in mulch. Attach to trees. Remove pups with serrated knife. Get a form brown base on stolen. General rule of thumb – spiny leaves take full sun, soft leaves in shade. Bromeliads are drought hardy. As little as 5mm of rain enough to fill cup. Top up cups occasionally. Dead leaves – self mulching. Can be seed grown. Some change colour and pattern in sun.
Diana Sharpe thanked Steven Wedd for his wonderful presentations and presented him with a gift.
The meeting ended with another delicious afternoon tea. Thank you all our caterers.