The March garden visit was to Lesley Player’s very pretty garden at Tintenbar. Thank you for sharing your garden with us all.
She writes: It is a 1 acre garden which has been developed from a pretty bare block 5 years ago to an English style garden with roses and perennials. When I moved in there were only a few poincianas and a bunch of Murraya hedges, but thankfully very good soil. My love of cottage gardens was the inspiration, together with many hours watching gardening programmes from the UK. There was very little shade so the first job was to plant more trees and I used cuttings of Box Elder Maples from a friend as well as crepe myrtles. Many more cuttings and plants from Garden Club have filled the beds and I am grateful to all the help and advice from gardening friends over the past 5 years. While a lot of work has been done over the past few years it is still a work in progress and as with most gardens there is still a lot to do
- Martin and Lesley