Tea Roses
Judy McDonald gave a very interesting talk about the origin, history of breeding and how she has collected Tea Roses in the area. Judy brought along Tea Roses from her garden for us to see.
Judy has gardened in Melbourne, Tuscany and Mullumbimby. She has taught and grows edible plants.
Tea Roses, growing in the Shire are resilient and suited to the sub-tropics. The Tea Rose originated in China. Judy has collected from a number of local sources – op shop, and cuttings from old plants in local gardens. She has used as a source to identify her Roses “ Old Roses for warm Climates”, written by the Perth Rose Society.
Roses have been cultivated for 1,000’s of years in central Asia and then travelled to Europe with traders. The Tea Clippers stopped in Calcutta, which gave rise to roses being called Bengal Roses. The Dutch bred Cabbage Roses. Old Roses (Bourbons and Gallicas) were collected in Tuscany in gardens around abandoned houses and road side shrines to Madonna. Empress Josephine made it a mission to collect all the roses in the world – 250 at that time. There are now 11,000 roses. The early European Roses flowered once, but the Tea Roses were repeat flowering. By the mid 19th century the rose breeders were breeding Roses with the best attributes of Tea Roses and European Roses. The Roses were tougher and suitable for smaller gardens. Australian localities with old rose collections include Rookward Cemetery in Sydney and Bishop’s Lodge in Hay. Also there is a free Rose Garden in Bulla, Victoria behind Tullamarine. A well known Australian breeder is Alistair Clarke.
Tips. Tea Roses provide year round colour in gardens. They resent hard prining. They don’t like being transplanted. Water and fertilise after pruning and planting. e.g. Dynamic Lifter, compost, seaweed solution. Tea Roses are disease free and don’t get black spot.
Here is a list of Judy’s Roses.
Tea roses Found in Mullum Mrs BR Cant, Madame Lambard, Duchesse de Brabant ( Comtesse de Labarthe), Mme Antoine Mari, Peace ( 1902)
Bought Tipsy Imperial Concubine, Dr Grill ( WR Smith)
China Roses Cramoisi Superiore ( (Climber),Rosa mutabalis, Humes Blush
Hybrid Musk Prosperity
For a more detailed description of the roses go to the Special Interest page and select Roses for Sub-Tropical Areas.