It was so good to be able to conduct the April meeting specially as we sadly had to cancel the March meeting due to the disastrous flooding that occurred twice in our district and impact so many people in our district.
With both co-Presidents unable to attend the April meeting our co-Vice President Rosemary Edwards chaired the meeting, along with our Secretary Diana Harden. It was Rosemary’s first time to chair the meeting which she did brilliantly and for which she received many compliments.
It was so good to see 10 new members and we look forward to get to know each one of them and mutual sharing knowledge.
Our Your Garden segment is a great opportunity for our members share projects, issues, and joys in their gardens with the membership. Our member David Williamson talked about the defoliation of his Elaeocarpus eumundii by saw fly larvae. He explained the best method was to squash the larvae when they clump on the trunk or elsewhere, remove papery cover of the eggs and spray with lawn bug spray. Robyn Armstrong suggested that a Grevillea with web growth could be Tea Tree Web Moth and that the best way to treat this is to cut off and bin cuttings
Once again the Flora of the Month saw members showing their beautiful blooms, including dahlias, orchids and giant Anthurium. Steven Wedd told us to take Dahlia cuttings as they could die during these periods of extremely wet weather.
Our guest speaker and member Robyn Armstrong talked about natural dyed materials. Details can be found on the Special Interests page of this web page.