August 2024

The co-president Rosemary Edwards opened the meeting and made specific mention of the Life Members of our club thanking them for their contribution and naming them individually.

Shirley Boyle            – Club President 1998-2000

Margaret Byrne      – Club President 2011 and club historian

Helen Johnson        – Club President 2010 and introduced co-presidents, – Co-President 2013, 2014

Hazel Sowerby        – Club President 2012,

– Co-President 2013, Auctioneer for 10 years

Beth Noble               – long-term member, generous with knowledge and plants

Judy Baker               – Club photographer for many years

Fay Bogg                   – long-term member and built the club’s website

Margaret Bruce      – Co-President 2015 -2017, guest speaker coordinator for 6 years, club photographer


Our other co-president Diana Sharp asked for a volunteer to organize the afternoon tea for the monthly meetings and the afternoon tea at the Saturday Open Garden visits.  David Williamson kindly volunteered, he will be joining our committee.

Life Membership is conveyed to members who have made significant contributions to the club.

Flora of the Month and Produce Table – Marie thanked those who brought flowers and cuttings.

  • Carol Lea – Camellia reticulate ‘Valentines Day’ – a gorgeous salmon pink flower
  • Diana Sharpe –Dombeya wallichi, pale pink weeping umbel flowers, smell like cupcakes. Shrub 6-7m tall by 3-4m wide. Takes hard pruning

Our guest speaker this month was Susan Fitzpatrick who spoke about safe work practices in the garden, a timely reminder as we move into spring.  For more details see the Special Interests page of our website.

This month’s auction was very light on material. A few highlights were Stephen Stocker purchasing the beautiful camellia brought in by Carol for a great price and a nursery tray of lovely lettuce grown from seed by Luke Sansom.

The meeting closed and we enjoyed another delightful afternoon tea.