April 2024

A new initiative was introduced at this meeting.  Co-President Diana Sharpe explained that the club will be running two workshops in April.  Each session is limited to eight participants at a cost of $20.  The workshops are: 16th April – Propagation – 1 day only with Karen Bono 23rd and 30th April – 2 Day workshop – Floral design with Diana Sharpe.

Maree Pfisterer introduced Flora of the Month and once again the floral bounty present was beautiful:

  • Beth Noble – Curcuma australasica, the native turmeric, wild turmeric or Cape York Lily
  • Steven Wedd – A Dahlia a medium pink/red, D. ‘Mary-Lou’, name after a member.
  • Julia Bambery – Phragmipedium anguloid, An orchid native to Columbia. Needs a moist position with no sunlight.
  • Lesley Player – Lagerstroemia speciosa, Pride of India, native to tropical southern Asia.
  • Fay Bogg – Mussaenda philippensis, Bangkok Rose. Light pink, dark pink and white. A deciduous shrub/small tree native to the Philippines. Cut back hard after flowering. Takes full sun


Liz Hind gave thanks to Elliot Hind for designing the clubs new logo as seen on the About and the Contact page of this website.

Karen Bono introduced our guest speaker, Lyn Thomson from Landcare who spoke about native bees.  A precis of the talk can be found under the Plant Index/Special Interest page of this website.

Like every month our plant auction was very well supported.

We thank our members who provided an assortment of delicious dishes for afternoon tea.