Members were welcomed to our first meeting for 2022 after our covid induced pause. It was so good to finally be back speaking with our lovely members. We had all missed our monthly meetings and the chance to see all our gardening friends. It was hoped that we would be able to conduct a full year of meetings, events and activities.
Nine new members, mostly newcomers to the area were welcomed to our club. Most were looking forward to learning about plants that grow successfully in our area and to start their gardens.
Judy Baker became our latest Life Membership with Margaret Bruce sharing Judy’s wonderful contributions to our club especially as club photographer since joining in 2005; club librarian and publicity officer providing notices in the Heartbeat and now the Bangalow Herald from 2009-2013. Liz Hind presented Judy with a stainless-steel trowel and card. Congratulations Judy!!
Our plant auction had an abundance of plants gratefully donated to the club by our members. This is such a fun activity.
Our Guest Speaker was our very own Steven Wedd who spoke about propagation. He shared his extensive knowledge of methods that he has employed with great success in his garden and with the multitude of plant species of which he has interest. For further information see the Special Interest Page of this website.
To cap off another fun meeting we all settled in for a delightful afternoon tea.