February 2018 meeting was attended by 100 keen members, with the number of meeting attendees varying between 75 and 100 at each Club meeting. More attendees mean more chairs to be put out and more food required from our wonderful cooks! A motion was passed at the AGM to retain the membership cost at $15. The Club is solvent and the monthly auction is a big part of the Club’s income along with membership fees. The new email address for the Club is: bangalowgardenclub@outlook.com; however, our website address remains as Bangalowgardenclub.com.
Yet again, our members came to the fore and volunteered as guest speakers at meetings and hosts for Garden Club visits. Thanks go to Mary-Lou Fraser, Steven Wedd, Beth Noble, Faye Bogg, Gael Solomon, Carole Lea and Denise Stobart who were guest speakers and to Mary-Lou Fraser, Fay Bogg, Athena McIver, Astrid Preston, Isabelle and Larry Truesdale and Denise Willis who opened their gardens for Club visits. Other guest speakers were Broni Cartnew from Ab Fab Plants speaking on heliconias, Swaggie Englehart from Clunes Cottage Plants and Succulents, Wayne Lewry, Paramedic, Hayley Burgess from Beautiful Abundance and Mark Wilson from Friends of the Koalas. We were also fortunate enough to visit the gardens of Robbie and Margaret Orr at Wollongbar, and Chris Crowley at Eureka.
The annual bus trip was a local mystery tour and this was a huge success despite the rainy weather. Four nurseries were visited where lots of lovely plants could be purchased. There were some very happy gardeners! Thank you to Patricia and Lesley for having organized such a great day. Our members can now check on the Club website to see if weather conditions prohibit a monthly garden visit.
Our Flora of the Month segment yet again showcased the talents of many of our members when they produced excellent specimens of many different plants, too numerous to mention. Our Q & A and Bugspot segments have always been popular with solutions provided for garden problems.
The AGM was held on 7th November and the following members took on Committee positions:
Co-Presidents: Fay Dwyer/Mary Lou Fraser
Vice Presidents: Sandra Mankowsky/Adelina Linardon (also doing membership)
Secretary: Denise Willis
Treasurer: Liz Hind
Asst Treasurer: Sue Brennan
Flora of the Month: Denise Stobart
Garden Visits/Social Sect: Lesley Player/Patricia DeTullio
Guest Speakers: Margaret Bruce/Richard Rowland
Website: Fay Bogg
Catering Convenor: Diana Harden
Assistants: Debby Hayward/Helen Barlow
Publicity Officer: Anne Abbink
Public Officer: Steven Wedd
Auctioneers: Hazel Sowerby/Steven Wedd
It was with sadness we learned of the passing of Judy MacDonald who was a much loved and respected member of our club. Judy gave a presentation in September 2017 on tea roses that originate in China. She was generous in propagating cuttings so many members will have living mementos of her in their own gardens. Rest in peace, Judy.
Christmas lunch was again held at the function room at the Lennox Head Hotel and, again, it was a huge success attended by lots of members.