BGC History 2020

A year never to be forgotten!
Announcement of the Covid-19 Coronavirus in January took the world by storm and held the world in its grip for the entire year, not abating in some countries even at the start of 2021.  Our Garden Club was able to hold its meetings in February and March but health restrictions were then introduced that made it impossible for meetings to be held for the rest of the year.  Restrictions included the number of people able to gather in homes, halls, weddings, etc., including outdoor garden visits – thus also causing cancellation of our much-loved home garden visits.

Guest speaker at the February meeting was Zofie Lahodny-Gesco from the Rural Fire Services who gave a very informative talk on what to do to protect ourselves in the event of a bush fire. For the March meeting, we had a real coup and secured Phil Dudman, the local Garden Guru, as our guest speaker.  He had heaps of knowledge and helpful techniques to pass on to us and was a very entertaining speaker.

Our March garden visit did go ahead before restrictions came into force, and that was to the garden of John Astill at Bilinudgell.  Our Garden Club does, however, have a very active and keen committee headed by Co-Presidents Mary-Lou Fraser and Adelina Linardon.  These ladies produced monthly garden newsletters that were full of helpful garden tips, what to plant when and how to handle bugs and pests, etc.  Also the BGC Facebook page established itself as another great way to keep in touch with what our members had growing in their gardens.

Father Matthew, the local Anglican Priest and keen gardener, said good-bye to us due to his relocation to Western Australia.  In May we learned of the sad passing of Vice President Sandra Mankowsky.  Sandra will be truly missed by all members.

As Covid restrictions were eased slightly in September, the Saturday social garden visits resumed with modified rules.  The visits had to be held in two sessions and were restricted to 20 members only per session.  The September visit was to the garden of Hazel Sowerby whilst the October visit was to the garden of Adelina Linardon.

The November AGM went ahead with a restricted number of attendees.  The following people were elected:

Co-Presidents:                                          Mary Lou Fraser and Adelina Linardon

Vice President Meet & Greet:             Helen Barlow

Vice President Membership:                Eileen de Krantzow

Secretary:                                                  Anne Abbink

Secretary Assistant:                                Denise Willis

Treasurer:                                                 Liz Hind

Asst. Treasurer:                                      Sue Brennan

Flower of the Month:                             Maree Pfisterer

Garden Visits/Social Secs:                    Patricia de Tullio and Suzy Johnson

Guest Speaker Co-ordinators:            Margaret Bruce and Richard Rowland

Website:                                                     TBA (work needs to be done on the website)

Facebook:                                                  Adelina Linardon

Catering Convenor:                               Diana Harden

Catering Assistant:                                 Denise Willis

Publicity Officer:                                    TBA

Public Officer:                                         Steven Wedd

Auctioneers:                                              Hazel Sowerby and Steven Wedd

The year finished on a high note when we were able to hold the annual Christmas Lunch with the usual Covid numbers and social distancing regulations. This was held at Summerland Farm at Alstonville and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.  We are all hoping for a less disruptive and healthier year in 2021.


Posted in BGC History.