February, 1988:
The 10th AGM of the Bangalow & District Garden Club was held on 5th February at 7.30 pm in the RSL Hall, with 33 members present. Membership now stood at 79. Mr. A. Dare occupied the Chair for election of officers:
Patrons……………………….. Mr. & Mrs. L. Wright
Patron…………………………. Miss A. Young
Patron…………………………. Mrs. P. Brown
Patron…………………………. Councillor C. James
Patron…………………………. Mr. H. Sheaffe
President……………………… Mr. P. Hart
Vice President…………….. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President…………….. Mrs. D. Bensley
Vice President…………….. Mr. D. Legge
Vice President…………….. Mr. F. Scarrabelotti
Secretary…………………….. Mrs. M. Avery
Treasurer…………………….. Mr. J. McAnelly
Assistant Treasurer……… Mrs. J. McAnelly
Social Secretary………….. Mrs. E. Hart
Librarian…………………….. Mr. Col Steele
Catering Lady…………….. Mrs. D. Dare
Auditor……………………….. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates………… Mr. P. Hart & Mrs. M. Avery
It was also necessary to elect three people from the Club to be involved in the move towards incorporation. The three elected were Mr. V. Mitchell, Mr. P. Hart and Mrs. M. Flick. They agreed to meet quarterly in November, March, June and September of each year at 7 pm prior to the 7.30 pm start time for ordinary meetings to fulfil the incorporation requirements.
The 1988 July meeting was the first for the Club as an incorporated club. At this time the Bank account stood at $678.06 – the Club was prospering! However, members were feeling the pinch from Council excess water rates and the Club wrote to all Shire Councils and Rous County Council requesting some consideration be given to waiving these water charges to Garden Club members who entered competitions. A donation of $10 was given to the Bangalow Bi-Centennial Show, where the Club entered a display of Club memorabilia with items used in gardening of yester-year.
Entries in the 1988 garden competition were down to 80 entries from 28 locations, with 200 entries being received in the art competition.
October, 1988 – First AGM as an Incorporated Club:
The 11th annual meeting of the Bangalow & District Garden Club Inc. was held on 7th October. The President welcomed 40 members, with many apologies being received. The President commended all who, by their unity of purpose and friendliness, had brought the Club to a leading position amongst the Clubs of the Zone. Mrs. D. Legge chaired the meeting for election of new officers:
Patron…………………………. Miss A. Young
Patron…………………………. Councillor C. James
Patron…………………………. Mr. H. Sheaffe
Patron…………………………. Mrs. P. Brown
President……………………… Mr. P. Hart
Vice President…………….. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President…………….. Mrs. D. Bensley
Vice President…………….. Mr. D. Legge
Secretary…………………….. M. Avery
Social Secretary………….. E. Hart
Treasurer…………………….. P. Flower
Librarian…………………….. C. Steele
Catering Lady…………….. Mrs. D. Dare
Assistant Caterer………… Mrs. V. Leeson
Auditor……………………….. Mr. P. Hart
Voting Delegates………… P. Hart & M. Avery
The following three people were elected to continue incorporation requirements: Mr. V. Mitchell, Mrs. M. Flick and V. Leeson. The Club voted to continue its affiliation with Garden Clubs of Australia, the FNC Council of GCA and the FNC Judges’ Panel. Although the AGM had moved to October of each year, membership subscriptions continued to be due in February of each year. The Club was now paying $3.50 each for teaspoons from Garden Club of Australia.
Four new members joined the Club in February, one of whom was Shirley Boyle who, in 2008, is holding the job of Club President and still a very hard worker – thank you, Shirley! Another busy social calendar was planned for the year, with a visit to Mt. Coot-tha in Brisbane, Club members’ gardens and Mt. Tamborine. A donation of $20 was given to Byron Shire Bi-Centennial Tree Planting Committee. Lots of discussion went into the 1989 competition schedule and, again, minor alterations were made.
The RSL reviewed its rates for rental of the hall and, as of June 1st, rates would be $10 for use of the hall plus $5 for use of the kitchen. On the advice that Lismore Council had introduced a system whereby their Garden Club would issue 20 coupons to members affected by excess water rating, the Club again contacted other local Councils to see if lowering of water rates to gardeners could be allowed.
Mrs. Sylvia Hartley from Casino acted as Judge for the 1989 garden competition, and the winning garden belonged to Mr and Mrs Gregg Stewart of Rosebank with an impressive entry set high on a steep mountainside overlooking Minyon. Reserve Champion was Mrs Verlie Leeson of Fernleigh who had a fine display of annuals. Thirty localities were represented in the 1989 competition, with a total of 93 entries being received in the various sections. The section for a new garden (under 3 years) was won by Shirley Boyle in her first year with the Club. Shirley went on to win Champion Garden in following years, as well as Regional Champion on 2007. It is interesting to note that the Booyong Abattoir won the section for Institutional Garden. School children were again included in the annual competition, with judging covering Infants’ Art right through to high school students.
The AGM took place on 6th October in the RSL Hall, and the elections resulted as follows:
President…………………………….. Mr. P. Hart
Vice President……………………. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. Mrs. D. Bensley
Vice President……………………. Mr. D. Legge
Secretary……………………………. M. Avery
Social Secretary…………………. E. Hart
Treasurer……………………………. P. Flower
Librarian……………………………. C. Steele
Catering Lady……………………. D. Dare
Assistant Catering Lady……. V. Leeson
Auditor………………………………. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. P. Hart & M. Avery
Mr. V. Mitchell, Mrs. M. Flick and V. Leeson were again elected to the Incorporation Committee.
One of the Club’s foundation members, Canon Avery, passed away in 1989. He had been a keen gardener and an active member of the Club, contributing in many ways.
1990 began with the cancellation of the February meeting due to cyclonic conditions prevailing at the time. Membership now stood at 92, with an average attendance at meetings of 38. The club was still extremely financial, but this position came about through constant endeavours by all members who always generously donated to auctions, outings, displays, purchase of competition trophies, etc. Donations by the Club to deserving recipients continued, including $50 donated to Garden Clubs of Australia for their building fund for a new headquarters. Members were keen to use organic sprays and urged that the Dept of Agriculture should investigate the possibility of using natural predators instead of chemicals with regard to pest control. Gardening helpful hints were never lacking, and all meetings included plenty of discussion and debate.
The 1990 garden competition got off to a good start with a donation of $100 from Byron Shire Council. Club members attended presentation nights at nearby Clubs and, in return, members from other Clubs attended the presentation night of Bangalow Club on 12th September. Others invited to this evening were Byron Shire Clerk, Barry Pullinger, and the Editor of the “Northern Star”, Mr Parrington. Competition standards were again high and there were 138 entries in the children’s competition.
1990’s AGM showed a total income of $3,119.59 and an expenditure of $2,898.26 for the year, with the recommendation that membership fees should remain at $2 per person. The following were elected to positions:
Patron………………………………… Miss A. Young
Patron………………………………… Mrs. P. Brown
Patron………………………………… Councillor C. James
Patron………………………………… Mr. H. Sheaffe
President…………………………….. Mr. P. Hart
Vice President……………………. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. Mrs. D. Bensley
Vice President……………………. Mr. D. Legge
Secretary……………………………. Mrs. M. Avery
Treasurer……………………………. P. Flower
Social Secretary…………………. Mrs. E. Hart
Librarian……………………………. Mr. Col Steele
Catering Lady……………………. Mrs. D. Dare
Assistant Catering Lady……. Mrs. N. Taylor
Auditor………………………………. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. Mr. P. Hart & Mrs. M. Avery
Mr. V. Mitchell, Mrs. M. Flick and Mrs. V. Leeson were again elected to the Incorporation Committee.
The year finished on a high note with a completely enjoyable Christmas dinner being held at the Bowls Club and attended by most members.
Planned outings on the social calendar included a bus trip to Dyraaba Homestead, a boat trip on the “Richmond Princess”, visits to Alstonville Gardens, Redland Bay in Brisbane, the Wollongbar TAFE and members’ gardens. As in past years, all outings were regarded as money-raising events and it was most unusual if funds were not raised. Members were encouraged to keep seeds of older varieties of flora and a scheme was put into place for members to co-operate together to purchase bulk quantities of sprays and fertilizers. This proved to be very successful.
Roses were always popular and in demand, and two gardens to produce fine specimens were those of the Tranters and Scarabelottis. In response to a request from the Newrybar School to help in the planting of a rainforest segment in celebration of the school’s Centenary, members willingly offered assistance (those members including Dorothy Welstead and Marie Flick – both active members in 2008).
A visit was made by some Sydney garden clubs to the area, and Mullumbimby Garden Club hosted an afternoon in the Mullumbimby Heritage Park with all surrounding Clubs being included in the afternoon. Members continued to support the GCA Zone conference where guest speakers addressed the meetings
By this year, Mr. Percy Hart was still sitting in the chair as President, a continuous run in this position since formation of the Club in 1977. Such dedication! Mr. and Mrs. Hart moved house in 1991 and also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. A suitable presentation was given to them by the Club in appreciation of their leadership. Two other golden weddings were celebrated: firstly, Artie and Joy Prentice. Artie is still an active member in 2008, but he endured the sad loss of Joy in late 2007; secondly, Allan and Daisy Dare who, like Artie, are still active members!
It was resolved that the Club should enter in the “High Achievement Medal” competition recently introduced by the Garden Club of Australia, namely with regard to the youth involvement in Bangalow’s own garden competition. A new section included in this year’s garden competition – Best Business House Display – proved to be a real success. Competition judge was Mrs. B. Talbot. Entries were down for the year, but still there were 80 entries from 43 different locations. However, the Children’s Art section had an outstanding number of entries – 312 from 5 schools!
The 1991 AGM was deferred until November 1st, when President Hart welcomed 43 of the 64 registered members – a downturn in total number of members. The balance sheet presented by P. Flower indicated an overdrawn amount of $261.16 on the actual year’s transactions; however, monies held in the IBD account counteracted this overdrawn amount. Elected office bearers were:
Patron………………………………… Miss A. Young
Patron………………………………… H. Sheaffe
Patron………………………………… Mr. C. James
Patron………………………………… Mrs. C. Noble
President…………………………….. Mr. P. Hart
Vice President……………………. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. Mr. L. Dingjan
Vice President……………………. Mr. D. Legge
Secretary……………………………. Mrs. M. Avery
Treasurer……………………………. Mr. P. Flower
Social Secretary…………………. Mrs. E. Hart
Librarian……………………………. Mr. Col Steele
Catering Lady……………………. Mrs. D. Dare
Assistant Catering Lady……. Mrs. N. Taylor
Auditor………………………………. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. Mr. P. Hart & Mrs. M. Avery
Mr. V. Mitchell, Mrs. M. Flick and Mrs. V. Leeson were again elected to the Incorporation Committee.
The meeting approved for the Club to remain affiliated with GCA, FNC Judges Panel and FNC Council, with membership fees increasing to $3 per annum. Instead of putting in its own display at the annual Bangalow Show, the Club unanimously agreed to help the Horticultural section owing to the uncertainty of a first class exhibit. The December Christmas lunch was a happy affair at the Brunswick Heads Bowling Club.
Mrs M. Avery was honoured in the Australia Day awards by receiving an OAM. Mrs Avery also received a Ballina Shire Award and an award from the NSW government for services to the community. The social calendar for the year included trips to the Heinz Dam, Boyd’s Bay Nursery, Palm Springs Nursery, Maleny and visits to gardens of members. Bangalow was also entered into the “Tidy Towns” competition.
This year also saw the loss of two Patronesses, Miss Alma Young and Mrs. Clarice Noble. Miss Alma Young was instrumental in establishing garden competitions in Bangalow through the Community Centre which led to the formation of the Bangalow Club. She was a great and generous supporter and entrant over the years. Mrs. Noble was an outstanding member, entrant, generous with flowers and prize donations towards the children’s art section.
There were 102 entries from 37 localities in the annual garden competition, plus 137 entries in the Children’s Art section.
The AGM was held in October when 34 of the 68 members attended. The following were elected:
Patron………………………………… Cr. Dr. I. Kingston
Patron………………………………… H. Sheaffe
Patron………………………………… Mr. C. James
Patron………………………………… Mr. F. Scarabellotti
Patron………………………………… Mrs. M. Page
President…………………………….. Mr. P. Hart
Vice President……………………. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. Mrs. S. Boyle
Vice President……………………. Mr. D. Legge
Secretary……………………………. Mrs. M. Avery
Treasurer……………………………. Mr. P. Flower
Social Secretary…………………. Mrs. E. Hart
Librarian……………………………. Mr. Col Steele
Catering Lady……………………. Mrs. D. Dare
Assistant Catering Ladies….. Mrs. V. Leeson and Mrs. D. Lack
Auditor………………………………. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. Mr. P. Hart & Mrs. M. Avery
Mr. V. Mitchell, Mrs. M. Flick and Mrs. V. Leeson were again elected to the Incorporation Committee.
The event to have a huge impact on the Club in 1993 was the death of founding member and President, Mr. Percy Hart. He had held the position of President since the Club’s inception to the day of his death. Mrs. Hart relinquished her duties as Social Secretary and, to honour the huge contribution she had made to the Club, Mrs Hart was made a Life Member
This year’s busy social calendar included a trip to the Queensland Home Garden Expo at Nambour, a visit to the old Brisbane Expo site and Botanic Gardens plus the regular visits to members’ gardens. Members continued their generosity with donations for raffles and other fund-raising events. Founding member Jan Hulbert was honoured by being chosen as the Byron Shire Citizen of the Year. A decision was taken to have name tags for members. To this end, unnamed shields were purchased from GCA and then names were printed on these by Mrs Lyall Bielefeld.
The Club had to find a replacement Treasurer when Mr. P. Flower sold his home and moved out of the area. Marie Flick took over the reigns of Treasurer, very capably assisted by Dorothy Welstead.
Garden entries increased to 96, with 36 locations involved. The children’s art entries numbered 98, and the Business House entries also increased.
The AGM in October saw the following people elected to positions:
Patron………………………………… Cr. I. Kingston, President of Shire.
Patron………………………………… Mr. H. Sheaffe
Patron………………………………… Mr. C. James
Patron………………………………… Mr. F. Scarabellotti
Patron………………………………… Mrs. M. Page
President…………………………….. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. S. Boyle
Vice President……………………. D. Legge
Secretary……………………………. Mrs. M. Avery
Treasurer……………………………. Mrs. M. Flick
Assistant Treasurer…………….. Mrs. D. Welstead
Social Committee……………… S. Boyle, V. Leeson & D Welstead
Librarian……………………………. Mr. Col Steele
Catering Lady……………………. Mrs. D. Dare
Assistant Catering Ladies….. Mrs. V. Leeson
Auditor………………………………. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. Mrs. M. Avery & Mrs. V. Leeson
Public Officer…………………….. Mr. L. Dingjan
The GCA North Coast Zone conferences were always well attended by Bangalow members and they continually offered topics for debate. One of their concerns in 1993 was the mounting anxiety about the effects of radiation on edible flora, and a resolution was passed that a concerted effort be made to hasten reporting of research information on the subject.
Up until this stage, the library had been a mobile one, ie the books were physically carried to each meeting by the Librarian, Mr. Col Steele. With Mr. Steele’s decline in health and inability to transport books to and from the RSL Hall, it was finally decided to gain permission from the RSL to house a lock-up cabinet in the Hall. Following the vandalism of this locked cabinet and a loss of $80 of books, it was moved to acquire a lockable cupboard at the Hall to house the library.
Mrs Hart graciously intimated her decision to present a Perpetual Trophy Memorial to the Club for a Best Landscaped Garden, and the Club itself increased prize money in some competition categories.
With the closure of the Westpac Bank in Bangalow, members agreed to transfer the Club account to the NAB. The Club continued in its healthy financial position and the Library continued to grow. However, membership was flagging somewhat and attendance at meetings was certainly much lower. In an effort to increase attendance at meetings, as from 1st November 1994 the scheduled monthly meeting day and time was changed to the first Wednesdays of each month at 1.30 pm, meetings still to be held in the RSL Hall.
Mr. Scarrabelotti resigned as Club patron in 1994, and was duly honoured for his contributions to the Club with the conferring of Life Membership. Results of the AGM election were:
Patron………………………………… Cr. I. Kingston, President of Shire.
Patron………………………………… Mr. H. Sheaffe
Patron………………………………… Mr. C. James
Patron………………………………… P. Flower
Patron………………………………… Mrs. M. Page
President…………………………….. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. S. Boyle
Vice President……………………. A. Prentice
Secretary……………………………. Mrs. M. Avery
Treasurer……………………………. Mrs. M. Flick
Assistant Treasurer…………….. Mrs. D. Welstead
Social Secretary…………………. V. Leeson
Librarian……………………………. Mrs Pat Steele
Catering Lady……………………. Mrs. D. Dare
Assistant Catering Ladies….. Mrs. V. Leeson
Auditor………………………………. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. Mrs. M. Avery, Mr. A. Dare & Mr. A. Prentice
Public Officer…………………….. Mr. L. Dingjan
The garden competition was very successful, despite being down to 86 entries from 34 localities. The children’s art competition was extremely successful with four schools participating. Excellent P.R. was created with the continued inclusion of a category for Business Houses. The gardens of two members (Allan & Daisy Dare and Verlie Leeson) were now involved in the Open Garden Scheme as well, and members volunteered to support the establishment of an old world garden in the surrounds of the new Historical Society Headquarters in Deacon Street.
As the 1993 Christmas lunch at the Brunswick Heads Bowling Club was not a complete success, members agreed to celebrate the 1994 Christmas dinner at the Ballina RSL at a cost of $12 per head.
As usual, the generosity of Club members came to the fore when an appeal came from the Byron Bay Hospital redevelopment committee, and a sub-committee was formed to arrange a Garden Party to raise funds for the hospital. Shirley Boyle offered her garden as the venue and an invitation was sent to the Hon. Don and Mrs Page to attend. A mannequin parade was arranged, with various demonstrations, a hat-judging competition, lucky spot, poetry reading and Devonshire tea – all of this for an admission fee of $3.00. This event raised $705 for the hospital appeal. As well as this appeal, the members again supplied produce and plants for the usual annual fundraising for the Club, not forgetting the donations to meeting auctions and visits.
The garden competition schedule was again revised at the suggestion of members and, this year, the job of printing the schedule was given to Maringa Press at a cost of $65.00. There were 112 class entries from 32 locations in the 1994 competition and a record entry of 250 in the children’s art and prose section.
As the Club sometimes had non-Club members joining them on trips, it was found necessary to check out the position of insurance coverage for these guests. What was revealed was that all Club members were covered by their insurers, Brokers Scott & Broad, and visitors were not covered by Personal Accident insurance but were protected by the Public Liability Policy.
Life member Frank Scarrabelotti was honoured by the Bangalow A & I Society when the society named the cattle ring at the Showgrounds “The Frank Scarrabelotti Ring”.
The 1995 AGM was held on 4th October, with the following elected to positions:
Patron………………………………… Cr. I. Kingston
Patron………………………………… Mr. H. Sheaffe
Patron………………………………… Mr. C. James
Patron………………………………… P. Flower
Patron………………………………… Mrs. M. Page
President…………………………….. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. S. Boyle
Vice President……………………. A. Prentice
Secretary……………………………. Mrs. M. Avery
Treasurer……………………………. Mrs. M. Flick
Assistant Treasurer…………….. Mrs. D. Welstead
Social Secretary…………………. V. Leeson
Asst. Social Secretary………… Mrs. E. Hart
Librarian……………………………. Mrs Pat Steele
Catering Lady……………………. Mrs. D. Welstead
Asst Catering Lady……………. Mrs. D. Gill
Auditor………………………………. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. Mrs. M. Avery & Mr. A. Prentice
Public Officer…………………….. Mr. L. Dingjan
At this AGM, it was confirmed that the Club should remain affiliated with GCA, the Judges Panel and North Coast Regional Zone Council, with the $3 membership fee remaining unchanged and the annual donation to Bangalow A & I Show to remain at $20.00. A decision was taken to conduct future AGMs in February of each year to allow the Treasurer to report on a full year’s finances.
Garden visits and trips continued in the normal Club pattern, despite wet weather conditions during the year, with the Christmas lunch held at Broken Head Resort at a cost of $16.75 per person and the Club subsidising members to the extent of $2.75 per person.
Did the Club need an amplifier to assist speakers at their regular meetings and visits? After some debate, Mrs. S. Boyle volunteered to loan one to the Club as required. Debate was also required on whether or not to continue presenting GCA teaspoons to guest speakers, or should some other type of gift be introduced, ie, cake, chocolate, alcohol, etc.? It was decided to remain with the teaspoons!
Secretary Mrs. M. Avery handed to the Club an accumulation of items she had collected since the Club’s inception in November 1977. With the help of Mr. Michael Flick, these had been filed into what could be an historic document, possibly to go into the Library and an appropriate introductory preface was affixed to the book. That particular book really is the preface to this 2008 version of the History of the Bangalow & District Garden Club Inc.! Unfortunately, due to ill health, Mrs Avery had to resign her position as Secretary during the year, and sadly passed away shortly thereafter. Mrs Dawn Lack took on the job of Secretary.
The choice of a judge for the garden competition is an annual test in itself! The choice for 1996 was considered unfortunate as the lady concerned took her husband along with her and he seemed to influence her judgment. Although unhappy with the situation, the Steward and President carried on without making comment. However, the 1997 judge was one who had judged at the Club previously and whose track record was known (Mr. H. Sheaffe). Byron Shire also continued to donate $100 towards garden competition prizes.
The AGM was held in February with 31 members present. The Club was extremely financial with a credit balance of $676.57 and a term deposit of $1138.00. Although 1996 President had indicated his decision not to continue on in his role, no other nominations were received and Allan Dare again took on this role.
Patron………………………………… Cr. I. Kingston
Patron………………………………… Mr. H. Sheaffe
Patron………………………………… Mr. C. James
Patron………………………………… P. Flower
Patron………………………………… Mrs. M. Page
President…………………………….. Mr. A. Dare
Vice President……………………. Mrs. S. Boyle
Vice President……………………. Mr. A. Prentice
Vice President……………………. Mr. B. Bevan
Secretary……………………………. Mrs. D. Lack
Treasurer……………………………. Mrs. M. Flick
Assistant Treasurer…………….. Mrs. D. Welstead
Social Secretary…………………. Mrs. V. Leeson
Asst. Social Secretary………… Mrs. E. Hart
Librarian……………………………. Mr. B. Bevan
Catering Lady……………………. Mrs. D. Welstead
Auditor………………………………. Mr. E. Gough
Voting Delegates……………….. Mrs. D. Lack & Mr. A. Prentice
Public Officer…………………….. Mr. L. Dingjan
Steward……………………………… Mr. A. Prentice
Retention of new members was causing members to think of ideas to make meetings more interesting, as new members tended to attend 2-3 meetings only. How to retain members? It is still not easy in 2008! However, member Judith Bevan (still a member in 2008) kindly made signs advertising the Club and these signs were placed in the RSL Hall and also at the Post Office.
With the resignation of the Social Secretary mid-year, Judith Bevan stepped into the breach!
A decision was taken to have a memorial perpetual trophy in honour of founding member, Mrs. Avery, and this perpetual trophy would be for the Reserve Champion Garden. Also at this time, a request to hold the presentation of prizes in the afternoon instead of evening was defeated. Members voted to give money instead of gifts for the garden competition and that the prize money in the major classes be increased to $15 for 1st prize and $10 for second prize. In the remaining classes, the prizes would be $10.00 for 1st prize and $5.00 for 2nd prize, and the Judge’s Choice garden was to receive $5.00. Although entries were down for the year, the high standard of gardens had been maintained.
The “Northern Star” was becoming a little more active in the annual competitions and the inclusion of a Grand Champion Award was at their suggestion and would be judged from the Champion Gardens of all Clubs in the surrounding areas. Judging dates were moved to the first week in September instead of in the middle of the month, and the “Northern Star” now issued a coloured supplement in their week-end paper.
A big highlight in 1997 was the 100th birthday of Mr. Frank Scarrabelotti, when the occasion was marked with Mass conducted by the Lismore Bishop in the Bangalow Church, followed by a light lunch in the Church hall.