- A Master Class in Pruning – Phil Dudman May 2024
- Aromatherapy
- Big Scrub Rainforest Plants for Home Gardens
- Bromeliad
- Compost or Worm Wee Tea Recipe
- Cycad
- Feature Foliage
- Floristry
- Gardening Pearls of Wisdom June 2024
- Growing vegetables
- Health and Safety in the Garden – August 2024
- Indoor Plants
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Native Animals
- Native Plants for Home Gardens on Alstonville Plateau
- Natural Dyeing
- Organic Workshop
- Palms
- Propagation
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show – 2024
- Roses for Sub-Tropical Areas – Part 1
- Soils
- Spray Your Garden The Natural Way
- Succulents
Diana Harding is passionate about Foliage Plants
Diana is an award winning Garden Design practitioner. She is also a member of our Garden Club
Sourcing Foliage Plants
Grasses – Bluedale Nurseries and Impact Grasses (online) – tubestock, delivered, websites have photos, descriptions & cultivataion notes
Drought Tolerant Plants – Dragon Trees, Chinderah (online)
Shrubs – Strobilanthes gossipinus bought from small nursey on route to Ballina airport
Cordylines – Aspley nursery (online)
Different Types of Foliage Plants
1. Grasses Dwarf lomandras eg Tanika; Carex apressa and Knobby Club Rush Isolepsis nodosa for wet position; Red Swamp Foxtail Pennisetum advena Rubrum (1.4m) or dwarf (1m) looks good as background plant
2. Hero or Sculptural Plants for accent eg Kalanchoe baharensis with its fabulous large felted leaves like deer antlers; also Cardboard & Sago Palms
3. Drought Tolerant | Dry Position | Pots for hot dry themed gardens eg Hesperaloe parvifolia that arches from basal crown; Mother-in-laws tongue; Senecio with grey filoage; Euphorbia
4. Shrubs for tropical cottage gardens eg Persian Shield Strobilanthes dyerianus and S gossipinus
5. Cordylines & Gingers are great fill-ins in native tropical and rainforest gardens. Look great near ponds or creeks
6. Palms, Ferns & Cycads are slow growing. Work with other ferns, cottage, bromeliads and tropical designs
7. Best of Lilly Pillys & similar species